The Festal of the 1st Snow - games, food, stories and a trip to Leviathan Mountain to throw the potion into the cave of the giant.
Barbic Test of Bearhood - A Barbic tradition to prove your toughness. It involves an obstacle course and a real test with many dangers. The Barbic dance is just for fun, Gummi Shocka-Locka Uhg, Gummi Shocka-Locka Uhg.
Fall's Farewell - After everything is stocked for the winter, the Gummies Celebrate. Usually by just doing nothing.
Monarch's Day - Celebrated in Dunwyn, but the Gummies participate every once in a while.
Folly Day - Another Dunwyn Holiday. A little like Halloween. Everyone dresses up as something else. That is of course for seven little Gummies.
Festavil of the first Gummiberry - A Gummi Holiday. Have no clue what is done or when it is. It was only mentioned.
Jiffy Tree Hunt - A Gummi holiday that includes a race to grab the froogel tree, which pops up and down all over the forest. The sap from the tree is used to patch up any cracks in the Gummies Lake Skylight.