Upside-down Spell - Tummern umup sumide dumown
Small Fireworks Spell - Spummar kumle lumights uma pumair
Speed Spell - Spumeed umup numow
Slow Spell - Slumow dumow numow
Floating Milk Spell - Mumilk flumote
Dropping Milk Spell - Mumilk drumop dumown
Drops spinning items - Umor umit humalt
Locking Spell - Wumall rumound umup and dumound
Unlocking Spell - Wumall rumound frumee
Flame Shoot Spell - Flumam shumoot
Lamp Lighting Spell - Lumight cumandumel numnow, or Lumight numow.
Shrinking Barrel Spell - Shrumink lumid numow
Growing Barrel Spell - Mumake lumid bumig
Please and Thank You Spell - Plumease umand thumank Yumou
Please and Thank You Counter Spell - Bumakc suma sumame
Shrinking Gummies Spell - Mumake thumis prumo blumem smumal lumer
Enlarging Gummies Spell - Umen gummies tumern umen lumarge
Invisablity Spell - Tumern umin vumis uma bumal
Fruit Multiplying Spell - Wumip umup mumore frumuit
Counter Spell to The Triffel Fruit - Tumern Tumummumi bumack numow
Snow Spell - Stumart tumo snumow
Snow Counter Spell - Snumow stumop numow
Floating Spell - Umup umall umight
Bring Armor to Life Spell - Mumake umar mumore strumong
Make Armor Fall Apart Spell - Umare mumore fumall uma pumart
Turn Something into a Monster Spell - Tumrn umin tumo mumon stumer
Shrinking Spell - Shrumink dumown numow
Disapearing Spell - Vuman umish numow
Wind Spell - Wumind rumise umand blumow
Magical Gummi Statue Spell (to Xain-Wu) - Inmar Bello Gummiberry Foo, Transport us to old Xian-Wu