Tummi: "I still think Gummies don't belong in the castle. It's Dumb."
Cubbi: "But I'm more than a Gummi. I'm the Crimson Avenger. I'm the protector of all that is good."
Tummi: "Good and Dumb." - The Crimson Avenger
Grammi: "He didn't touch my Asparagus Pie. He's just not acting like himself."
Gruffi: "Yeah, he's developing taste." - Life of the Party
Tummi: "Cross my heart and cross my eye, kiss an oger hope to die." - Faster then a speeding Tummi
Grammi: "Well Tummi, what do you see?"
Tummi: "They put their right foot in, they put their right foot out, they put their right foot in and they shake it all about."
Atre: "And they call me a bird brain." - The Magnificent Seven Gummies
Gruffi: "Well I'll be bounced!" - Various Episodes
Gruffi: "Live each day the Gummi Way" - My Gummi lies over the Ocean
Gruffi: "Early to bed and early to rise and you won't have two glary eyes" - My Gummi lies over the Ocean
Grammi: Can't you be big about this?"
Gruffi: "Is that a short joke?" - The Sinister Sculptor
Gruffi: "Stop!" "I dare you to cross that line."
Ogre: "Oh Yeah?"
Gruffi: "Dumbest creatures in the whole forest." - The Secret of the Juice
Toadie: "Caught in a trap." "Oh, how could you be so stupid?" - The Secret of the Juice
Grammi and Zummi: "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but bugs are just to stomp on." - Shrinking Gummies
Gruffi: "Tummi! Stop gosiping with insects. We have Gummiberries to harvest."
Tummi: "But Gruffi, if I can attract nore bees it'll mean more blossoms. And more blossoms mean more Gummiberries. Yum."
Sunni: "She was really excited when I told her about all the lanterns and banners we're gonna put up."
Gruffi: "Banners?"
Grammi: "Banners?"
Cubbi: "Banners?"
Zummi: "Banners?"
Tummi: "Bannanas?" - Guess Who's Gumming for Dinner?
Gusto: "What in the name of fur?!" - Color Me Gummi
Tummi: "Gruffi takes his bossy-ness very seriously." - My Gummi Lies Over
The Ocean
Gusto: "Take shape you miserable piece of rock! TAKE SHAPE!!" - My Gummi
Lies Over The Ocean
Tummi: "Ignore us, we're just pigments of your imagination." - A Gummi By Any Other Name